Welcomes and General Information > Suggestion Box

What's the point of having this message board?

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Hi, What's the point of having this message board? There is so little activity, it becomes a waste of time to even visit here to see if there is anything new.

Johnnie hates Colts, so why even have a message board for them?  L@J L@J L@J

IMO, shut it down. What do you think?


Hi Richard,   I can understand that point of view but I really don't think any of the regular posters here really feel that it should shut down.   If a person thinks it's a waste of time to check in here then why would they?   The Remington snobs have more activity due to the fact they need to keep reassuring each other that they are not missing out by not owning any Colt pattern revolvers.   Fact is Colt owners are secure enough they don't need the support of hundreds of other like minded individuals.  In fact I find there are a couple Remington forum posters that keep my participation to a minimum.  (Johnnie is not one of them).   I don't have that problem here.   We may not have a lot of activity here but we don't have any rude "know it all" individuals who buy all their stuff in the "bargain cave" either.

Fingers McGee:
What he ^ said.

I am new here so dont know much about the stats here. But I do find it being a slower pace nice for me. All forums are taking a hit due to social media like facebook etc. I am a administrator on a fishing wite with over 70k members and let me tell you being big is not always fun.
Even that site is slowed way way down due to social media.
I would liek to see a bit more posting here as I do like to read. So I am enjoying reading all the threads posted in the time being. Shutting down naw to much here in reality to do that.

It's partly my fault as the admin, I have not been pushing it here as this is sort of my slow season for BP and it's been a slow year in general. Shut it down? Not a chance. If it's too slow for you Richard, either post more or hang out at the Remmy joint until we get busy again. L@J


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