Black Powder Pistols > Open Tops

71/72 open tops

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Question i have always wondered about;

Do these cartridge open tops require the same arbor fix ad do the percussion revolvers from Uberti?

Also the rear sight on the barrel, is it dove tailed for windage adjustability?

Thanks. Am looking at the 72 model Uberti or the "man with no name" gun in 38 spcl. Just pickin brains of others that own them already.

Yeah they have the same short arbor problem. I believe the sights are dovetailed.

Don't know about all the open tops but my so called Richards/Mason copy came with a short arbor.


--- Quote from: mike116 on January 09, 2019, 10:11:58 AM ---Don't know about all the open tops but my so called Richards/Mason copy came with a short arbor.

--- End quote ---

If it's a Uberti Colt it's short.

Thanks fellers. I lean towards the MWNN revolver as it seems to have all the things i like. Oct barrel, no ejector rod, navy grips very much like an 1851 and i desire it in 38 spcl. Keeping the "36" feel and function but with cartridges and the smokeless option.

If the barrel rear sight is awfull, i betcha a feller could fashion a hammer nose sight iffin a feller were handy at such things that is.


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