Black Powder Pistols > Open Tops


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Electric Miner:
My favorite local gun store has an Uberti-made Colt 1871 in .38 Special. Thought about it for awhile. Left without it. .38 Special isn't really my caliber, but I like the gun. If it's still there next week, I may snag it. They want $350 for it.

The SASS shooters like .38 special in just about any Colt style gun.   At $350 you could buy it and be able to get rid of it easily if you really don't like it.

G Dog:
Mile's right.  At 350 just go for it.  It's unloadable and possibly you may like it. 

Electric Miner:
We'll see if it's there next Monday, which is when I can get there next.

Electric Miner:
Here it is, folks...

Stopped by today, and it was still in the case. Bonus - they'd marked it down another $20. Looks almost like it's never been fired. If it has, it hasn't been much and it was meticulously cleaned.

I wonder if the wife will notice the gun on the stand has been changed. She hasn't so far, and in the last month and a half, it's had an 1851, 1860, and a Dragoon on it.


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