Modern Colts > Colt Automatics

New 1903

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This one also this week. Some one duracoated it So it looks like black paint I sent it off to be stripped, parkerized, and bought repro checkered walnut grips like a WWII Colt. I wouldn’t normally refinish but in this case the black paint had to go

This is a different customer gun they did and what I am hoping mine will turn out like

Should be another sweet little carry gun.   Were the black rubber grips painted with Duracoat too?

That poor pistol. That Duracoat just never looks good to me. But your idea of parkerizing and wood grips will look good on it.


--- Quote from: ShotgunDave on May 25, 2020, 08:29:24 PM ---That poor pistol. That Duracoat just never looks good to me. But your idea of parkerizing and wood grips will look good on it.

--- End quote ---

No at least those were left alone


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