Thanks to all of you for your tributes to our fallen comrades!

Tonight could have been better; it's been overcast, cool and drizzly all day. But damn the torpedoes. I've really been missing our departed friends, but especially my good friend Emery. So, with that in mind, I decided to do a special tribute in his honor tonight.
What would Em choose, I wondered? Then it struck me. Not only was he a revolver guy, he was also a muzzleloader guy. What better to honor him than a muzzleloader?
So, I chose my Lyman .50 cal Plains Pistol, and a snort of Jameson's...

After a silent toast to all our past friends, I took a slug of the Liquid Courage and rambled out to the back yard with the Plains, capped with an ancient Remington #11 from Lord knows how long ago, hoisted it skyward, and with a "Godspeed, men!"...CRACK!
Anyone who tells you a cap isn't loud in the night sky is full of it, or has never tried it. Or both.
That done, I headed back indoors and took this pic...the Plains alongside the marvelous Sharps Emery sold me at a bargain basement price...

...and then finished off the Liquid Courage.
All that was left was an empty glass, and this:

...which ended up in the Arlington of BP, representing each year we've snapped a cap:

On occasion, Mrs. Captain will ask what those funny bits of metal are for, and I will say, "For friends". Not sure she understands, but she leaves them alone.
Godspeed, my friends. Godspeed.