I did actually bowhunt this year, trad and all!
Since my first post here I've managed to accumulate about a half-dozen trad bows and bunches of arrows.
To wit:
*Still have my Ben Pearson Super Jet bow from the late 60's, one of those fiberglass ones that look like a bar of Irish Spring soap! 35# @ 26" 1969 model, 60" AMO
*Purchased a used Bear Grizzly, 45# @ 28", 1972 model, 58" AMO
*Purchased a Samick Sage takedown new, 55# @ 28", 2014 model 62"AMO
*Purchased a used Bear Kodiak Hunter, 45# @ 28" 1970 model, 60" AMO
*Purchased a Bear Tamerlane, 35# @ 28", 1969 model, 69"AMO
*Purchased a Bear Kodiak Hunter, 45# @ 28", 1970 model, 52" AMO
I'll throw up some pics later if anyone is interested.
No, I did not bag a deer but had some might heart-pounding moments!!!