Dr. E. Elbert claimed that on the evening of July 21, 1865 he did an examination of the body of Davis Tutt and found that a bullet had entered the right side between the 5th and 7th rib and passed out on the left between the 5th & 7th rib. Why word it like that? Did Tutt not have a 6th rib? I would imagine Hickok used purchased cartridges so that should have helped with penetration if he did indeed use his navies. Some accounts say that Hickok confronted some of Tutts angry friends with both pistols drawn after he shot Tutt. Kinda sounds like he had his navies or did he carry a brace of Dragoons? We will likely never know for sure. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a .32 S&W like some claim. I'm sure everybody knows about Hickok and Calamity Jane but who all knew he was married? He married Agnes Lake on March 6, 1876. She was 11 years older than Hickok.