Back story here is that we´ve taken an old homeless man under our wings at the shop.
Lives in a trailer/caravan outside the shop, on the premises.
Well. Fredrik and regular hygiene as far as foods and so on, not to much.
So we got infested by rats. Now. Shop is kind of "downtown" so an unsurpressed 22LR gun even is simply out.. rat poison, ditto as i´ve got three small muts running around.
So. Shoot them.

Yeah. Living in Sweden on occasion has its percs! So that there is a by me modded to kingdom come FX Impact in 25cal. Yep.. sports a PARD NV-008LRF night sight...
Main fudder for it is ZAN made 41 grain hollow points that exit @ north end of 1000fps.
That said..

I repair, modify and restore guns right.

Thought a Lothar Walter barreled Hatsan BT-65 would be neat. 25cal too and.. yeah well, regulator yadda yadda, home brew shroud and moderator and what have you not.
Again a gun that sees ZAN 41 grainers as main fudder, and is normally actually even more powerful to the setup than the Impact of mine.
Makes VERY VERY short notice of the rats.

I´m sure someone´ll take offense, but whatever.. These critters are NOT the smallest around. The mut of mine (Diesel) is a male Lhasa of approx 30lbs.. and that rat weighed in at almost 4..
Not that i per se have anything against rats really, it´s just that they friggin destroy anything in their path. So.. hafta go...
Get this.
Just outside the front entrance of the shop and out rear by the shop compressor i´ve shot 120 of them since last october. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY!

But yeah. Why stop there?

Coffee break at the shop. Dangerous, cause a dare was set forth. "How much performance can be wrought out of the most lowly PCP available?".
So i picked this Artemis PR-900 up for a song (Diana Stormrider and what not) in 22cal. N we huffed n puffed.. and soon enough that thing was shoving 25,4 pills downrange inxs of 1040fps. Even sports a titanium valve poppet.
Modified though doesn´t even START to describe it!

Artemis seemed cool.

Yeah. A bullpup P-15 was picked up and modded beyond belief. Yep. Here we go again.. just short of "the wall" performance wise.
But what if fast follow up shots then?
YEAH! We need a semi!!

Kral Puncher Auto. Sure. Why not?

Sure kept the rats occupied at least, i´ll tell ya that much.

Hm. Got impressed by the AEA HP series, but them ain´t imported here.. so what if..?
Yep. A from the onset Co2 powered Artemis CP-2. Got itself a 300cc tank and we took it from there. Uhu.. again running up against "the wall".
Turned into a very rugged lightweight piece. Have to say.
So right now i´m sittin here awaiting delivery of the all new Artemis M-60 "Impact killer". We´ll see about that as it touches down..