Black Powder Pistols > Open Tops

Pictures, pictures, pictures......

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Marshal, Wow., a luthier as well? Had to look the word up though...uh...not luthier...I mean the word chatoyance??  :icon_scratch:

Mick, she's a beauty.....those grips are VERY nice. thanks for sharing.

Marshal Will:
Those open tops are really beautiful guns. Those are fine examples, pards.

Thanks, Z. I only made a few for my own satisfaction. They were fun to make. Don't play any more, though, so there's no need to make any more.

45 Dragoon:
Very nice !! Got some 72's in the shop, always fun!! 
Beautiful guitar Marshall Will !!


Marshal Will:
Although the '72 was a transitional model, I like them better than just about any other single action. Conversions being up there with them. Yeah, top strap frames are stronger but the open tops balance so much better. In my opinion, that is.

Thanks, Mike. It was a fun one to make. That mahogany cuts like butter.


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