Black Powder Pistols > Open Tops

LGS Find!!

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So I visited an LGS recently and came across this fine lil gun. It is a used 2010 Cimarron/Uberti RM Type II, chambered in .44 spl. So I put it on layaway. Went back to pick it up and the guy threw a Cimarron Texas Jack holster on the table too, telling me it came with it. That was a plus. :cowboypistol: The cylinder has a wee bit of ring around the collar but not too bad. The bore and rifling look to be in very good condition. All in all a not too worn out 2010 RM replica. Now just need to get some ammo and try this baby out.

Sooty Barrels:
Sounds good Zilch Can't wait to see the photos.  Remember no photos it never happened. :nocomment: (7+" (7+"


--- Quote from: Sooty Barrels on December 14, 2022, 08:43:06 AM ---Sounds good Zilch Can't wait to see the photos.  Remember no photos it never happened. :nocomment: (7+" (7+"

--- End quote ---

Roger that Sooty. They are up now.  (7+"

Tim, you lucky dog! I'd love to have that one. I wish my LGS had cool stuff like that. All they have around here are black plastic guns.


--- Quote from: ShotgunDave on December 14, 2022, 08:48:18 AM ---Tim, you lucky dog! I'd love to have that one. I wish my LGS had cool stuff like that. All they have around here are black plastic guns.

--- End quote ---
Thank you Dave....funny.... this is, according to the owner,  a rare occasion that he got this one because he also has more modern day guns than anything. I have looked at this particular Type II in.44 cal with the 5.5" barrel for several months now but to buy online was way too pricey for me. Patience is a good thing. It's like it was waiting on me. :cowboypistol:


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