I realize lawnmowers aren't exactly a hot topic of conversation around here but it's what I've been spending my time on lately. A couple of months ago a buddy gave me his old Exmark zero turn.

Yeah I'm a sucker for somebody else's cast off junk. He burned the bearings out of two deck idlers and instead of buying two pulleys he bought a new mower. The old bearings were completely gone.

New pulleys are about 30.00 apiece so me being the cheap SOB I am I rummaged around in my parts box and discovered the top blade spindle bearings for a Craftsman LT 3000 were the same thing. I drilled the spot welds out of one pulley but it wouldn't come apart. I thought it was just the tight fit of the bearing but it turned out I missed four welds. I didn't discover that until after I notched the flange holding the bearing in.

In my attempts to separate the pulley halves I bent it and it wouldn't go back together not even squeezing it in a vise. That's when I found the other four spot welds. Anyway I got it apart and straightened it out. The other one I had gone ahead and notched. I did have to buy a new bushing. One of the old ones got ground up.

I repacked the sealed bearings and got it bolted back together and got them installed on the deck. The deck is ready to go back on.

Both front tires were rotten and split open so I got two new ones. Man talk about a pain both getting the old ones off the rims and the new ones on. I'd rather mount 18 wheeler tires. My Craftsman tires aren't nearly as hard.

I still have to get a new belt for it and take care of a couple of other issues but the thing runs and drives like a champ. One of the issues is the bolts they used for seat hinges is broken and frozen. I soaked it in penetrating oil and couldn't drive either piece out with a punch and hammer. I can't turn either piece with a 1/2 inch ratchet.

My air compressor has a blown head gasket so I can't use my air chisel. I guess I'll have to make a new head gasket before I can fix that. I could use heat but don't want to burn the paint. Not that the paint is that great.
The other issue is a leaking valve cover. Not a biggie. I'll just buy a new one instead of sealing it up with silicone.
Once I get it all back together it should be a grass cutting son of a gun.