I bought a new Uberti Cattleman SAA, as you can see it's a 3 1/2 inch barrel chambered in 45 Colt. It's one of the new ones with the hidden retractable firing pin. Yes, I have read both the complaints and complements concerning the new fangled system and decided to go ahead. I'll try it since it can safely carry six but if the retractable firing pin is any trouble I understand a standard Cattleman hammer can be installed instead.
A few weeks ago my truck was broken into and the bastards stole the 1911 Commander I kept hidden under the console, This is going to be it's replacement.
I haven't fired it yet but I took it apart and cleaned the mill grit and gravel out and lubed it up and reassembled it. Now it runs smooth and doesn't seem to need any more attention. The coil hand spring gives it a nice feel but the spring seems kinda small. We'll see after I get a chance to shoot it.

I've lusted after that on the interwebs for awhile, and it's friend in Stainless....
1911, eh? I KNEW we were Spirit Animals with each other... lol
(only two slabsides I like, was one, until I acquired my CZ52)
Sorry to hear of the theft, I hate thieves.
Idaho is nice, flights are cheap.... 3degrees of seaparation from the GrandKids, and we're slightly more red, though not due anything Governor (chicken)Little has done. ( He makes the most extreme RINO look truly conservative...)