General Black Powder > Lead casting

cast .45s

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Dave Shooter:
Cast 11 lbs of .45acp bullets the other day.

What mold is that? They look good.

They look good. What do they weigh?

Interesting profile (HP). Which mould are you using?

Dave Shooter:
I splurged the other year and bought an MP brass 4-cavity mold.  It's a clone of the old Lyman hardball mold, except it has interchangable pins so you can cast roundnose, flatpoint, or two different hollowpoints.

Hollowpoints are actually faster to cast.  Once mold is heated up give the pour about 5 seconds to solidify I then turn the mold sideways and set the end of the sprueplate on a hunk of 4x4.  The weight of the mold cuts the sprues and they fall.  I turn the mold upside down and open.  Any bullets that don't immediately fall out I tap the external part of the pin with gloved hand.  The bullet is pulled from the mold half and falls off the pin.  Don't have to beat on the handle hinge or any such stuff.

This batch weighs a tad over 218 grains each.


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