Well, here's my take on it, G...
I load my BP carts with either 2F or 3F (or in rare instances I'll load BP 45/70 with 1.5F). Either way, I don't need "extreme accuracy" on either a handgun or rifle. I reckon they are patterning this towards the ultra-long range Sharps and rolling block shooters, like Sagebrush Longshots...most who load with smokeless anyway;
...and coincidentally, appear to be pretty well-heeled, so I guess $160.00/lb wouldn't cause most of them any sleepless nights. Doctors and lawyers and such.
I load 63gr of 2F behind every 535gr Postell bullet. How long would it take me to roll through half a pound of Blackhorn 209 at that rate? (wait...I'll tell you: 56 rounds!) Yeah...no. I'll stick with my water-soluble Black. Heck, if I'm feeling cavalier I may even spring for some Swiss!