I just picked up another 12 ga. hammer gun, the 1878 Colt copy as imported by TTN and Cimarron. In a nutshell, it was in like new condition so I didn't spend a great deal of time inspecting it before purchase, especially as it had the 26" barrels that I like. Only later I found the left trigger had a lot of play before engagement. I dropped the gun off to a trusted local gunsmith who soon called me to say the required trigger spring was not there--never installed at the factory. He had to make and fit a V-spring. Feels great now and I just used it at a Cowboy Match.
This is not a gripe. The gentleman I got it from was having physical issues and the gun was too heavy for him. I can't turn down a good hammer double so am still pleased to have acquired this. I was just surprised how things like this can get by final inspection, but this has not been the only type of factory goof I've encountered over the years.