Years ago, 60 years ago my Dad talked about slinging a revolver. He said it was like pointing your finger. He said you could point your finger accurately at a target. True or not I can’t say. I think he learned it from old time western movies of pre WWII period. None of that Hollywood stunt stuff is representative of real life. Maybe that’s why the called “em” gun slingers” Changing cylinders is a poor choice compared to an extra revolvers.
My dad was a point and shoot guy. I've see him make some amazing shots. Y'all will probably think me a liar but I swear to God I have seen him take a .22 rifle he'd ever fired and from the hip at 25 yards put four holes in Prince Albert on a tobacco can. Not in the can. Not in the white around Albert but in Albert. His pistol shooting was no less spectacular. He told me to just look where you wanted the bullet to go and it would go there. I first learned to shoot a rifle from the hip at the age of five but I was anywhere near as good as he was.