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Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by Clydesdale4x4 on Today at 09:15:04 PM »
I watched the whole thing (for my sins) and I agree with you, Zulch. 
That jitterbug on the vid made way too much about cap & balls not being firearms. He did try to clarify a little, but how many times did we hear “not a firearm, not a firearm”?  True, for sales, transfers and background checks.  But for every other aspect of criminal liability - they’re definitely firearms.  Felons who are not permitted to possess firearms can’t have a C&B because (wait for it) … it’s a firearm.  Can’t carry one or park it in your vehicle without a permit because it’s a firearm.  If you brandish one in a “rude, angry or threatening manner”,  it’s a firearm. If one robs the local hadji-mart using one, it gets charged as a robbery with a firearm enhancement. I’ve done that,
(not the robbery but adding the enhancement as another count in the complaint) and it’s good for another eight or ten years.  If  DeKiefrie is a previously convicted felon, that’s count three and so on.  The biggest misconception in our sport is that because, for a couple of narrow purposes, cap and ball is not a firearm - it’s not a firearm generally.  Try walking one into a courthouse.

And when I became a felon in 1993 in the great state of Idaho for... (wait for it, Nah, not screwing children, nope, no armed robbery? Heroin? Ninja please...) Driving w/o Privileges, yup sober as a judge all three times, (3!!!!!) just suspended, and on my way to work, all but the last, (in the city they say ya get pulled over for DWB, Driving While Black, here? It's DWP, Driving While Poor- which is why I maintained my suspension for so long, food before SR-22, Rent before SR-22, etc.) when I was on my way back from the drug store with medicine for my sick infant...

I was allowed per the rules of my probation to have BlackPowder firearms and a crossbow.

I haven't paid attention, rights are restored, Hell, the crime is so old it's not even digitized, it's microfiche... but.

When did the laws change?
Colt Collecting / Re: Colt 1878-1902 Frontier DA
« Last post by G Dog on Today at 06:44:55 PM »
Are the Colt Thunderer and Lightning type grips considered better for double action shooting than the standard SAA model trad grips?

Help me with my nomenclature here, boys.  What is that type of grip generally called?
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by G Dog on Today at 02:00:17 PM »
Hey Len - I didn’t mean to sound beneficent, as if I were granting some sort of dispensation.  I’ll defend our right to call 60’s “beautiful”, any time, because they are, bye gawd and boi-howdy they are.
Colt Collecting / Re: Colt 1878-1902 Frontier DA
« Last post by Zulch on Today at 10:29:04 AM »
Navy Six, I did find the gun you were referring to. USFA Omni-Potent Shooter. VERY Nice looking gun. They are as pricey as some originals if you can even find one. Saw one on Rock Island but it was years ago when it sold for 2K plus dollars. It was heavily engraved. I don't really care for all the engraving and I'm sure that added to the selling price. I think these guns are just something I will have to admire from afar.
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by Len on Today at 09:16:07 AM »
Hi Len.  You can call Colt 60’s “beautiful” if you want to.  I’ve been doing that since I was about nine.  My own appreciation of their aesthetic qualities rages undiminished. ........
Hello G Dog. Thanks for your permission!
What I always liked, was the kind of fluid form of the round barrel just sneaking into the underbelly of the rammer. No octagonals, no sharp corners, no steps. I guess it was all drop forged (die forged). To mill that form out in the 1860ies would have been hard, no CNC and such.
Colt Collecting / Re: Colt 1878-1902 Frontier DA
« Last post by Zulch on Today at 05:40:06 AM »
thank you Cap. I don't know.  L@J  I'll most likely never find an affordable one anyway but I do LIKE IT!
Colt Collecting / Re: Colt 1878-1902 Frontier DA
« Last post by Captainkirk on July 25, 2024, 06:42:22 PM »
Great vids, Zulch! Although after watching them, I think I'd be looking for a different gun. JMHO. It certainly is a hefty hunk of iron!
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by Captainkirk on July 25, 2024, 06:08:46 PM »
WRT the 1860...To my eyes, it looks a little more 'modern' (if you will) with it's sculpted, finely radiused lines than your typical C&B revolver (read; Walker, Dragoon, '51 Navy, Remington) but owning two of them (one Goonerized) I can't dispute that they are beautiful to behold, superbly balanced, and the creeping loading lever is a marvel in itself (no rattles to give you away to the Comanches!)
Like G, I was struck hard at the tender age of 9, where I decided right then and there that a 2nd Dragoon was in my future.
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by Zulch on July 25, 2024, 04:34:17 PM »
Very early on, I think the Colt factory put out some 1860s with 7 1/2 inch barrels. Very few though, even the McCulloch Colt was 8 inches.
The repros I have are all 8 inches.  That’s standard 1860.
Get your ruler out, Zulch.
Thank you G. Got the ruler out. You are absolutely correct.
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What did you do today
« Last post by G Dog on July 25, 2024, 04:27:58 PM »
Very early on, I think the Colt factory put out some 1860s with 7 1/2 inch barrels. Very few though, even the McCulloch Colt was 8 inches.
The repros I have are all 8 inches.  That’s standard 1860.
Get your ruler out, Zulch.
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