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Topics - G Dog

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General Discussion / Pistol shooting stance video
« on: December 12, 2023, 01:36:58 PM »
Beliveau does a good vid on stance.  Historically used, graphic and photographic representations and comparisons.  Do you do variations or stick with one tried and true method for single action?

Scroll down to “latest video”
Shooting Stances of the Old West

Navy Models / Navy .36 energy
« on: December 03, 2023, 06:45:57 PM »
The imaginative process may help.  Any fanciful or romantic notions you may harbor about these guns? 

I dreamed that I got an interorbital shot on an up close mountain lion, a big-un.  Hit him dead square between the eyes with a Navy (that’s a .36 for those who resist the notion).  The skull slopes in that area, as is known.  In this dream I was using my standard .380 and 24 graines and the ball bounced, … bounced! …, he kept a’comin and then I woke up.  No wonder I carry something in .44 when I’m out on a scout.

At 1000 ft/sec a .380 (84 gr) produces 186 ft/lbs of energy.  That is not overly much but plenty for Tutt and many others. Just for comparison - a 141 gr .454 gets 313 ft/lbs at 1000.  Big difference. Anyone have an actual thought on this?

General Discussion / Absent Members
« on: October 05, 2023, 10:25:40 AM »
Might anyone here be in contact with Scooby or Omnivore?  Idaho guys.  Each a force of nature and hiked, camped, rode and mule packed.  Shot their share of various quadrupeds.  Scooby posted a photo of himself and a mountain lion he’d killed. Omni would harvest deer with a long Remington and his own big conicals, usually from a tree stand.  They posted many great photos over at 58 Remington too, before it’s collapse.  They also wrote well.

 In perusing various black powder gun sites over the years it’s been impossible not to read guys talking about how “you need to season the bore”.  Even Blackie Thomas offhandedly trips ‘bore seasoning’ (not just ‘greezing’ the bore, I’m good with that).  Posters are never clear on WTF they’re referring to.  I have asked and mentioned that these are not frying pans we’re dealing with but never got an explanatory response- not once.  I have long thought it was complete BS and still do, sorta, but maybe there is something to it (?).  Any one here have an opinion/facts on this?

A second question concerns ‘bore polish’.  Is it just for remedial purposes on a jacked-up problem bore or does it also help a nice shiny pipe?  First thing some guys say they do on a new gun … polish the bore.  I have never used bore polish; never thought I needed to. 

General Discussion / Old vs. new brass frame reproductions
« on: May 16, 2023, 01:13:46 PM »
In their videos both Mike Beliveau and Blackie Thomas make much of the idea that brass frame reproduction revolvers are now much harder and more durable than the mods that were manufactured in the 60s, 70s and 80s.  Neither of them cite any source nor supporting evidence for that.  Both state that the older reproduction brass framed revolvers were a response to the flurry of attention over the CW centennial period and were intended  to be mere ‘noise makers’ for the commemorative events of that time ; pretty much jumped-up larpy
kazoos that spit lead but were never intended as serious to almost
serious shooting instruments and were made out of cheap shit brass with a price point to reflect it. Accordingly, the warning labels of that period concerning max powder loads were generally in the 10-12-15 grain zone. They are still  in that range.  Recent EMF and Pietta instruction materials say just  that.  Beliveau and Thomas say that the recommended powder limits were never updated to reflect a modern harder charge-capable alloy.  I would have liked to have heard the basis of their opinions but they had nothing to say about any of that.

In one Beliveau vid he shoots 30 grains in a brass .44 Pietta Remington.   In the comments section I asked wheather that might be a bit on the heavy side.  I don’t think the question was well received.  His response was a terse “It’ll handle it”.  I almost responded with “Yes, but for how long?” -  but I refrained.  He seemed not to have appreciated such an imputant interrogatory.

So, my dog in this is that I have one brasser - a .36 Pietta G&G (2017).  The others are seven steel Pietta ‘working guns’ - Colt Army, Navy and Remingtons.  I do not shoot no damn 15 grains in any of those.  No sir, that’s not  part my life, I don’t do it. 

For the past hundred-fifty or so shots on my Griswold I have used 15 grains of Triple 7 which by applying advanced principles of higher mathematics and the (Hodgdon) 15% advisory I determine to be the BP equivalent of 17.25 grains.  I’ve also shot about 300 rounds total worth of Pyro P, Swiss and Black MZ at 15 grains.  Really haven’t shot it that much for having had
it six years but so far there are no ratchet ‘teeth marks’ on the recoil shield/ring.  Nothing to see even with a glass; end-shake /  cylinder gap is still as it was when new, .003 (about ideal according to authority) and has held even and constant all around.  You see where I’m going with this - don’t need a max load but 20-22 grains would be nice yet not at the risk of jacking up the piece.

Projectiles / Round ball deal
« on: December 22, 2022, 09:02:42 PM »
Good prices on roundball at Midway USA.  Really discounted, especially on Speer.. I bought 4 boxes and feel real good about it.

Off-Topic Discussion / Remember Waco?
« on: April 19, 2022, 02:25:24 PM »
Remember that?  Maybe not.  It's been memory holed.  Reno sleeps with the fishes but we have Garland now.  Not much progress to show for 29 years, today.

Ask The Experts / Hammer down from half-cock
« on: December 22, 2021, 09:13:49 PM »
When the revolver is in half-cock, say for loading or whatever reason, how do you go about putting the hammer all the way down?  Do you cock it fully and then bring the hammer down or do you set it down from the half-cock position without going into full cock? 

When you want to put the hammer on a safety slot or pin do you follow the same method?

Asking for a friend.   L@J


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