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Author Topic: The sad reality  (Read 5928 times)

Offline Captainkirk

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The sad reality
« on: May 30, 2019, 10:20:16 AM »
Here's the sad reality of it. I live within city limits, in a fairly congested midwest suburb located within a liberal bastion of gun-hating snowflakes, in a state with one of the most stringent firearm codes out there (the Illinois FOID card), where they consider black powder firearms to be 'guns', rather than historical replicas. The indoor ranges do not allow black powder, or loose powder of any kind. The nearest outdoor range is 45 minutes away, the black powder portion only open May through November, and costs a whopping $30.00 per day to shoot there unless you are a member. (Being a member means only paying $5.00 per day, but you would need to shoot 7 times during the season just to break even. Do the math; almost $300.00 not including gas, etc) And while working full-time, with an aging house needing constant repair and a disabled spouse and grandkids over every weekend, even getting out to the range 3 times during the season can be considered a raging success story.
Suffice it to say, if I had a backyard range out in the country, I'd be out torching off a few after dinner every evening. And I truly envy you guys that have this opportunity. But, it is what it is.
My BP range has been fighting viciously, tooth and nail, to stave off lawsuits from idiots who have purchased $350k homes in the constantly encroaching new subdivisions near the range by gun-hating millennials complaining about the "noise pollution" (yeah, the range has been there since long before they were even a twinkle in their daddy's eye) and so I can't really complain about the range fees...these poor guys have their work cut out for them.
It's just a shame that while the anti's and gun-haters can't attack us from the front without severe resistance (Second Amendment) they are flanking folks like myself by legislating, ordinancing, and inconveniencing us into submission...because black powder to them is still a gun, and all guns are bad.
Are any others here feeling the squeeze, and how are you dealing with it?
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Offline ssb73q

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2019, 10:46:45 AM »
Hi Kirk, I feel for you. As you know I retired to the country where I can shoot any time I choose. Land prices have skyrocketed over the last couple of decades. However, there are many parcels of land in hilly areas where farming would be difficult. Those locations have low land costs. In fact, hilly has advantages for safe shooting.

Everyone needs to consider their quality of life. A large part of my quality is to be able to shoot without difficulty. I have lived a number of places in different parts of the country during my working career. Once you move to the country, you will never look back.

A couple of years ago, duelist1954 (Mike) was complaining on having difficulty doing videos at his local range. I suggested to him that he buy some country property and build a range. He did, calls it Duelist Den. He hasn't looked back.

There’s nothing better in the morning than the smell of bacon and black powder smoke!

Offline Hawg

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 11:11:31 AM »
I lived in the country for the last 40 years or so until almost a year ago. I could walk out the door and shoot to my hearts content. Last year I moved back to my hometown into my moms old house which is inside the city limits so I can't shoot here. I have 1/4 interest in a piece of the old family property that's outside the city limits but it's badly overgrown with saplings. I'm not able nor do I have the funds to clear it. There' are a few places I could shoot. I could walk 1/2 mile down the RR tracks which are right behind the house to the river where I used to shoot as a kid but the walk alone would do me in. There's a couple of other places I could drive to but with my income it's an unnecessary expense.  I don't mean to sound poor mouthy it's just the way it is.
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Offline Captainkirk

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2019, 11:12:19 AM »
Richard, thanks for the comment! Yes, I'm a bit envious of your range...but as long as I stay in the workforce, I'm sort of trapped here. I'm not looking for a pity party, I'm just commenting on how it's becoming more apparent lately that anti's truly HATE guns and will use nearly every angle and every tactic they can to shut down our sport. Why spend time and effort trying to argue with a gun owner/enthusiast, when all you have to do is approach the young millennial mother with an infant and comment how hard it must be for her infant daughter to nap with all that racket, and by the way; look at how your home resale is dropping from the noise pollution!
Bingo. Where do I sign the petition?
This is what we are dealing with, large scale, all across the country. Sounds like you've moved around a bit and have likely seen/experienced it, but it's getting worse, believe me. Just as the Vegans won't be happy until nobody eats meat, the anti's won't quit until nobody can shoot or own firearms. Black powder, airgun...makes no difference to them. I was talking with an anti/lib the other day and the thought processes are simply staggering. There is no free will choice with them; its their way or the highway and no amount of reasoning will change their mind. And so goes the agenda.
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Offline Captainkirk

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2019, 11:17:43 AM »
I don't mean to sound poor mouthy it's just the way it is.
No, don't at all. Fact is, centerfire shooting is becoming the sport of kings these days what with high range fees and ammo costs. And walking railroad tracks to the back 40 with your gun in tow will probably find you breaking some law or ordinance, punishable by jail, fine or point exactly. And it rolls downhill. We'll all wind up covered in it if we don't continue to resist and voice our opinions. Make no mistake; they want no compromise.
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Offline ShotgunDave

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2019, 11:31:02 AM »
I read you loud and clear Capt. As you know, I live in the People's Republic of Kommiefornia. I've lived here my whole 55 years of life. When I was a kid, we could walk down the street with our .22's and head off to the railroad tracks and blast away. Not so anymore. Now just mentioning guns will get you in an argument with some uninformed, whacko liberal. I have several gun stickers on the back of my truck and they're there for a reason. I love that it makes them uncomfortable and it's sure to start a conversation. When I first moved to the little town I live in, there was noting out here. Nothing. It was great. My neighbor and I would get our shotguns and my pointers and head across the street to the open land, and hunt rabbits, quail and doves. That was 27 years ago. Now all that land is filled with giant houses and people. No more hunting for me.

My usual shooting area is only about 30 minutes drive from the house, on some nice BLM land. It's outside of town and there's no homes anywhere close. It's actually a fire access road for the forestry people. But it's listed on the website as a legal shooting area. it's called Bee Canyon if anyone would like to check it out. The problem right now is, it's closed and has been since February. They claim it's due to the roads being washed out from all the rain we got here. I'm not buying it. It's just the Ranger's way of closing up another area for us to shoot in. Every area around here, that's legal for shooting is closed. All with some ridiculous made up reason. They said Bee Canyon "might" reopen in June. I'll believe it when I see it. It's part of the reason I got interested in CAS. Otherwise I might not have anywhere to shoot at all.
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Offline Captainkirk

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2019, 11:44:39 AM »
Roger that, Dave!
Your comment about hunting got me to thinking...on the hunting forums, there is, of course, the whole "anti-thing" regarding the battle between hunters and anti's. But in reality, I believe it's one and the same battle, whether anti-gun or anti-hunting, or both!
Bottom line; think like we do and do like we do because we're right and you're wrong. No freewill, no choice. No "I say tow-may-tow, you say to-maaaah-tow". And do it for the good of the people.
Hmmm, sounds a bit Orwellian to me.
Reality; these folks don't give a rat's bum if you collect Civil War era firearms and are a walking encyclopedia about them. They are items of scorn and derision, a vile reminder of past wars, slavery, and death and should be banished. I kid you not, this is the way some (not all, to be fair) of them think!
"You gonna pull those pistols, or whistle Dixie?"

Offline ShotgunDave

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2019, 12:58:42 PM »
Roger that, Dave!
Your comment about hunting got me to thinking...on the hunting forums, there is, of course, the whole "anti-thing" regarding the battle between hunters and anti's. But in reality, I believe it's one and the same battle, whether anti-gun or anti-hunting, or both!
Bottom line; think like we do and do like we do because we're right and you're wrong. No freewill, no choice. No "I say tow-may-tow, you say to-maaaah-tow". And do it for the good of the people.
Hmmm, sounds a bit Orwellian to me.
Reality; these folks don't give a rat's bum if you collect Civil War era firearms and are a walking encyclopedia about them. They are items of scorn and derision, a vile reminder of past wars, slavery, and death and should be banished. I kid you not, this is the way some (not all, to be fair) of them think!

You are 100% correct. I have run into the same thing. There's really no reasoning with these people either.

Quite a few years ago, I responded to an editorial in our local newspaper (remember those?) from a rabid anti-hunting woman. Her article was called, "Killing the bird of peace". It was a rant about us "lazy, drunken" hunters, killing off the local dove population on September 1st. I let her have it and the editor published it. It felt good to fight back and defend myself publicly. I encourage everyone to do it. Otherwise, we'll just give up our rights to these people, one at a time.
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Offline G Dog

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2019, 01:47:46 PM »
All of the confirmed anti Second  / anti gun people I have ever met were low-T bugmen, soccer moms or recent Uni grad youngsters, none of whom had ever fired a gun in their lives.

How to Red Pill an antigun person (talking won't help): Take them to the range or a nice field location and hand them a .22 pistol and then a lightly loaded Navy.  Works every time.
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Offline ssb73q

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2019, 07:41:10 PM »
Hi Kirk, a way to drive the anti's nuts because of their concern for noise pollution is to ask them to support shooters owning suppressors.  *6' *6'

There’s nothing better in the morning than the smell of bacon and black powder smoke!

Offline Necessaryevil

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2019, 04:05:27 AM »
All of the confirmed anti Second  / anti gun people I have ever met were low-T bugmen, soccer moms or recent Uni grad youngsters, none of whom had ever fired a gun in their lives.

How to Red Pill an antigun person (talking won't help): Take them to the range or a nice field location and hand them a .22 pistol and then a lightly loaded Navy.  Works every time.

Ted Nugent tried that with that utter TOSSER Piers Morgan albeit with AR15's. I am ashamed of the fact that arseh*le is British !

It didn't change his mind.....................BTW you could have kept him on your side of the Atlantic Ocean  :'(


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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2019, 08:11:31 AM »
As some of you know, i own quite a large piece of land with a home on it in the backwoods of maine, its been in the family for decades, when i lived up there i could walk out the door, naked, and shoot all day, no one ever even drove by on the road. when i moved back south i was living on a 26 acre farm and could do the same if my heart so wished. when i moved to WV, my fiance decided she wanted to live in a community with cul de sacs and an hoa... i frigging hate it here! i cant do anything without the hoa's approval!!! want to plant flowers? need approval for the type. want a new flower bed? need approval for the location. want an above ground pool? nope sorry not allowed, in ground? need approval for the pool then got to get approval for the blasting to make the hole.. fence? need approval for the type, height, color etc.. and of course all these approval requests have stupid high fees attached to them you have to pay whether they get approved or not... they tell me what color my shutters have to be, what color my doors have to be, what color my shingles have to be, what height and type of grass i can have, how many cars i can have in the driveway, hell i cant even take my bike to work because its too loud to bring home after 10pm and violates their stupid noise rule! but i better not dare say anything about the hoa president launching explosives into the air every night throughout the whole summer!!! (i wonder how much of our hoa fees go towards her fireworks) but yet they dug a hole in my yard, dug a trench, put in a street light that shines right through the front window and i dont remember ever being asked for approval... the pricks didnt even seed over the dirt! (neither have i, its still just dirt, i effing DARE them to say something to me about it!)

rant over

i dont think they will like it when i pull it down with my jeep...
/l ,[____],
l---L -OlllllllO-
()_) ()_)--o-)_)

Offline Captainkirk

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2019, 08:15:00 AM »
Aww, man Bruce...bummer!
Stuff like that makes me wanna puke. K*_

It's gone way too far.
"You gonna pull those pistols, or whistle Dixie?"

Offline ShotgunDave

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2019, 08:29:39 AM »
I feel ya Bruce.

I once lived in an HOA controlled development too. With the same BS rules you're dealing with. My wife insisted on living there. I took it for as long as I could, then I left the HOA, the house and the wife behind.
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Offline valforgettaboutit

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Re: The sad reality
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2019, 10:17:44 AM »
Hey Kirk,

Here in the People's Democratic Republic of Maryland; $20-$30 per range session is the norm unless you're a member of a club; but that is an investment of several hundred dollars and a years worth interviews. Honestly I just pay it while I have to; plan is to leave eventually and never look back but until then it's the cost of having fun.

Our larger ranges here are always at risk from lawsuits, either noise pollution or people saying they found bullets on their property.